
Science in movies and video-games


01/01/2018 ⋅ Comments are closed

Par Timo van Neerden

Regarding the blog

This blog is a humorous scientific movies review where I focus on scientifically imperfections or inaccuracies, or even just the scientific details in movies, cartoons, books or video-games.

Please, be mature enough to understand that this blog reviews the science in the movie and not the movie itself.

It is not a hard critic about science in arts: I am fully aware that fiction cannot always restrain itself to accurate science.

Also, it is not because I watch a movie with my nerdiness that I don’t like the movie.

It is not because some movies are scientifically “bullshit” that I don’t enjoy them and that I don’t encourage you to watch them. It’s the opposite: go watch the movie, but keep in mind that the science in it might be wrong.

Also, if you didn’t saw a movie that I review on the present blog, you might want to know that I heavily spoil the whole movie every single time.

Regarding the content (license, etc.)

The articles are placed under Creative Common 4.0 BY International license. It means that you are free to reproduce, quote, use or adapt articles of this blog, as long as you mention the author and this blog.

It is not much asked, since this blog is entirely free without ads or any form of tracking, so I expect and ask you to play it fair too.

The images of the movies are copyrighted by the rights-owners of the movies. Images are reproduced here with the “fair use” clause as provided by the Bern Convention.

About my English…

English is not my native language (French is).
Please regard my imperfect language with some sympathy. This is my first blog in English.

Thank you, and embrace nerdiness!

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